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Linuo Power's successful bidding for PV projects


Linuo Power has newly emerged as a successful bidder for two distributed PV projects with a total installed capacity of 57 MW in the province of Shandong.

One project is a 20 MW PV-powered poverty alleviation project in the city of Lingyi. Up to now, Linuo Power has been working on or completed over 400 MW PV-powered poverty alleviation projects in dozens of provinces and autonomous regions across the country, benefiting hundreds of thousands of people. It has also creatively set up PV power stations combined with green house or herbal cultivation, which brings in more economic benefits.

The other one is a 37 MW PV roof power station project together with Shandong Integrated Energy Service Co., Ltd. under the State Grid. This 1000 sites project is also the largest one in the province this year, scattered in 15 counties and cities. As a leading PV company in China, Linuo Power has gained 17-year experience in the PV EPC service and completed a total installed capacity of 1.9 GW. This 37 MW project is expected to generate annually 45 million kWh, thus saving 180,000 tonnes of standard coal and reducing the emission of 448,650 tonnes of carbon dioxide.

Moreover, another 11.083 MW poverty alleviation project by Linuo Power in Inner Mongolia was connected to the grid on June 1. By the end of last year, the project team from Linuo Power had already worked on the site, against icy and windy weather, for the required piling before the installation started early this April. Through good coordination and hard work, the project completed in just two months.