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Hongjitang's products recommended in the treatment of COVID-19


On a press conference held by the State Council Information Office (SCIO) on March 6, the efficacy of TCM in the prevention and treatment of COVID-19 was highlighted. Integrating traditional Chinese medicine with Western medicine to treat COVID-19 patients is worldwide unique and has been proven more effective than western medicine or TCM alone. The expert team confirmed that the combi-treatment can rapidly relieve symptoms such as fever, cough and fatigue, shorten the length of hospital stay and lower the possibility of mild infections from becoming severe.

TCM has its own theories and practice for treating epidemics, which are totally different from those of western medicine. They are used to regulate and promote the overall immunity and help patients fight against diseases on their own. In the past decade, these theories and practice have shown remarkable efficacy in the fight against SARS and influenza A.

In the Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia Diagnosis and Treatment Plan issued by the National Health Commission, Hongjitang’s TCM formulas and products such as Qingfei Paidu Heji, Suhexiang Wan, Angong Niuhuang Wan are recommended for the treatment of COVID-19 patients of different physical constitutions. These formulas and products can help relieve patients symptoms or speed up their rehabilitation after treatment. Another product, Jinbei Koufuye, has been clinically used in the treatment of patients infected by COVID-19 and showed its efficacy. As a China Time-honored Brand, Hongjitang shall continue exploring unknown therapeutic potential of traditional Chinese medicine and help promote health and well-being for all.